
Blog - 3D24

Let yourself be surprised , we have big plans with our shop.
3D pressure exerts a strong attraction to the people from - unimaginable a few years ago.
Some of you can probably still remember the replicator from Star Trek. Now, a 3D printer is not a replicator , the atomic structures can be created from nothing , but is not it wonderful when you can now see how even now can scan an object and elsewhere in the world this occurs again .
Or one thinks of the father, who is printing something handmade things that he gets sent by his son , and this career is on the other side of the world .
3D PRINTING - will keep us busy for a long time and change much .
We want to look into this exciting future together with you.
" Where nature ends to create their images , ther we will beginn of natural things with the help of nature begins to create endless pictures."
Leonardo Da Vinci
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HIPS Filament in verschiedenen Farben

Nachdem wir vor kurzem Nylon in unserem Portfolio aufgenommen haben, werden wir die nächsten Wochen HIPS mit aufnehmen.

HIPS Filament ist lösbar in Lemonenlauge und ist somit für Dualextruder geeignet.

Außerdem erreicht HIPS Filament fast die Festigkeitswerte von ABS mit dem Vorteil, dass es sich ähnlich wie PLA verarbeiten lässt.

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